Do you have questions about Live Free? Bellow we have a selection of most frequently asked questions and the answers to them.
Do you have questions about Live Free? Bellow we have a selection of most frequently asked questions and the answers to them.
What is Live Free?
Live Free is both a community and an app. We offer a safe place for men to come together who are looking for freedom in their lives from porn, masturbation, and/or lust. Our community is secure and not part of some larger social network.
Where is Live Free in the app stores?
The Live Free Community app is available both for iOS and Android.
For Google Play CLICK HERE
Is my data safe?
Yes. Our network features SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) security and the only data we maintain is your email address and the information you enter (name, location, etc.) Other than your email address, any additional information you provide is voluntary and can be non-specific (ex. First Name & Initial only).
Payments are processed by Stripe, who is a certified PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. To accomplish this, they make use of best-in-class security tools and practices to maintain a high level of security.
What is the cost?
Live Free is a subscription-based resource. There are two ways to join our community.
1. Join a small group. Our online small group program offers weekly video meeting for the purposes of support and accountability. You meet with the same men week in and week out. This service costs $39 per month and comes with access to the Live Free community and app for free.
2. Sign up for the Live Free app. In order to be part of the Live Free community or subscribe to the Live Free app members must pay either $5 per month or $50 per year. We are committed to keeping subscription costs as low as possible while offering the best resources we can.
Why a monthly fee? Aren’t you a “ministry?”
Yes, Live Free is a nonprofit organization. However, we charge a fee for a few reasons:
First, we want to offer an amazing experience, so there are many costs associated with the technology we use. Development costs for the app are significant, plus there are additional technology costs beyond the expense of app maintenance.
Second, we want this community to be safe and free of spammers and malicious users/bots. By requiring a small monthly fee (attached to credit card), we greatly discourage these entities from signing up.
Third, freedom requires an investment. Most programs and resources out there offering “hope” to men seeking freedom from porn and the like are much more expensive. We want to provide you the most benefit we can for as low a cost as we can. However, we also want you to understand that there is an investment required, so you value the resources available to you.
Can I cancel if I don’t like it?
We are sure this won’t be an issue for you. But yes, you can cancel any time.
Can we host our own group within your network?
Absolutely! Live Free is all about creating a safe place for men where they can come together and talk about difficult stuff like porn and lust. If you have your own existing small group or accountability group, and would like to host it in the safety of our network email us at [email protected] for more details on how we can make that happen for you.
If I donate to this ministry, is my donation tax deductible?
Yes! We are a registered 501C3 nonprofit organzation and all donations are tax deuctible.
The app is rated 17+. Why and how do I use it if my device has restrictions?
Our app is rated 17+ in both app stores because Live Free is only for men 18+ and older. Due to the sensitive nature of the topics we deal with, we can’t allow juveniles to participate in the community. If you want to be part of the Live Free community but have restrictions on your device that forbid you from downloading apps that are rated 17+ contact our support team. There are a couple work-a-rounds we can help you with which will allow you to access Live Free.
I am a former Live Free Community Member. How do I sign back up?
Hey, we all make mistakes 😉 But signing back up is easy.
Here is what you do:
1) Go to
2) Click Sign In
3) Enter your previously used email and password
4) Select a subscription plan
I am a supporter of Live Free. How do I update my credit card for donations?
We use for all our donor support matters. They have instructions on how to do that here.
Are you with us? Join the movement!